Why You Should Publish Your Book in Multiple Formats

Self-publish book in multiple formats - Kobo e-reader and books

As a self-published author, you should release your book as an eBook, paperback, or audiobook as this can help you to grow your self-publishing business. These three formats are available in the current book market.

By publishing your book in multiple formats, you can reach more readers, increase more distribution channels of your book, and earn more money.

Having your book in multiple formats is beneficial for the following reasons:

  1. The same book can generate multiple profits.
  2. Having a book in multiple formats helps you reach more readers.
  3. You can sell your book on multiple platforms.
  4. You make your book more accessible.

Let’s review each benefit in more detail.

The same book can generate multiple profits.

Making your book available in three formats instead of one can boost your income. For example, if you published an eBook and then released the same book as a paperback, you have added an additional income stream.

You may price your eBook at $2.99, but adding a paperback that sells for $7.99 means that you will be able to increase your earnings. This can happen without having to write a new book.

You can reach more readers.

Some people enjoy reading a digital copy of a book on their e-readers, whereas others prefer to read a physical book.

There are still others who may not have the time or patience to read a book, but would much rather listen to their favorite stories in the form of an audiobook.

The more readers you can attract to your book and onto your list, the more successful you will become as a self-published author.

You can sell your book on multiple platforms.

If you convert your manuscript to an EPUB file, you will be able to sell your book on Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Smashwords, and other platforms.

If you save your book as a PDF, you can also sell it directly from your website. There are also some retailers that will also sell your book in PDF formats such as Blurb, Hive, and Lulu.

If you publish your manuscript as an audiobook, you can sell it in multiple online markets such as Audible, iTunes, Google Audiobooks, or Kobo Audiobooks.

If you release your book as a paperback, you can sell it at many online retailers such as Amazon, Blurb, IngramSpark, and Draft2Digital.

You make your book more accessible.

You may have some customers who may find it difficult to read a physical book. Some readers may be visually impaired and would need access to an audiobook that they can listen to instead.

Also, people with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, limited motor skills, and language barrier may also find it hard to read a book in its physical form. Therefore, you should convert your manuscript into multiple formats to make your book more accessible.

For example, having your manuscript in audiobook format makes it possible for the visually impaired and people with learning disabilities to enjoy the recording of your book.

People who love to read eBooks may find it beneficial because eBooks can be adapted once uploaded to an e-reader. A person can increase the size of the text, change the font, look up the meaning of words online, enable text-to-speech, increase the size of images, and click on links to websites to earn more about the topic they are reading.


Readers love having a choice of reading a book in different formats: eBook, paperback, and audiobook. Therefore, as a self-published author, it is beneficial for you to release your book in more than one format.

Publishing your book in multiple formats will help you to reach more readers, increase your income, and make your publishing business more successful.


Self-Publishing Checklist for Authors

Where to Sell Your eBooks Online

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